Members, family, friends, and scholarship awardees and guests enjoyed a delicious meal celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the Eastern Arkansas Scottish Rite Bodies at our meeting on June 10, 2019.
After dinner, all gathered in the Lodge Room for the night’s program. Our Venerable Master, Brad Phillips 32° KCCH welcomed everyone to our anniversary celebration and introduced Ill Wally Thomas 33°, who gave a presentation on the history of our Bodies.
Bro Colin Miller 32° KSA then welcomed the scholarship awardees and their families and gave a brief biography on both graduates. Bro Rainwater presented the KSA scholarship and Bro Phillips presented the Scottish Rite scholarship. The three other awardees were not able to make the presentation.
Bro Phillips presented Scottish Rite Orient of Arkansas Double Eagle lapel pins to Bro Randy Imler 32° and Bro Jon Walter 32° KSA for their donations to the Albert Pike Memorial Temple Preservation Program.
Bro John Latham 32° KCCH and Bro Leonard Franklin 32° were presented their 50-year pins and certificates by Ill Byron Ponder 33° and Ill Boyd Russell 33°.