We had 27 in attendance (25 members and 2 guests) at our last stated meeting – we are growing back each month. Several are missing from this photo.
This was the first night that we opened, conducted business, and closed on all four bodies. For being the first time, it was a very smooth process, and all agreed we need to keep this format in the future.
If you haven’t been in awhile, we’d love to see you back and involved!
Bro’s Lucas Minton and Tim Mistric travelled from Little Rock to attend. Bro. Tim presented the Jonesboro Chapter of the Knights of St Andrew a plaque in appreciation of their help at the state-wide reunion in May at Little Rock. Jonesboro Preceptor, Bro. John Stowers, is shown accepting on behalf of the Chapter.
Ill. Brad Phillips 33° installed our remaining officers during the meeting.
- Bro. Jim Cary – 2nd Lt Commander, Council of Kadosh
- Bro Randy Gilless – Preceptor, Consistory
All 12 primary officers (3 in each of the 4 bodies) were present for the meeting.