Valley of Memphis 20th Degree – Aug 12, 2019

A packed house enjoyed a delicious meal at our meeting on August 12, 2019.

After dinner, all gathered in the Lodge Room for the night’s program. Our Venerable Master, Brad Phillips 32° KCCH welcomed everyone, introduced our guests from Tennessee, and turned the program over to the 20th Degree Team from the Valley of Memphis, who performed excellently.

There were 16 guests from Memphis including:

  • Ill. Joseph C. Harrison, Jr., 33°, SGIG and Past Grand Master of  Tennessee
  • Ill. Larry Kern, 33°, Personal Representative to the SGIG
  • Ill. Gerald Leek, 33°, General Secretary, Valley of Memphis
  • M.W. Casey L. Hood, 32°KCCH, Past Grand Master of Tennessee